"LET THEM BE KIDS" is a volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level; while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow!

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Facebook & Twitter...
Want to follow along with the Let Them Be Kids journey?? Join LTBK on Facebook & Twitter and see how they are continuing to spread joy & hope across our country...
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Becoming A Community Builder...
Let Them Be Kids, with the support of the Campbellford/Seymour Community Foundation and The Changing Point has set out to proactively and holistically increase the leadership capacity of local community based organizations, non-profits, community groups and individuals across the country by offering "Becoming a Community Builder".
Register today for this FREE leadership development program and Become A Community Builder! Don't miss out on this great opportunity, all you need is a computer & high-speed internet!! Program starts Friday, October 19th...
Free Program Includes...
- 5 Live video stream workshops (one every three weeks)
- Live video chat support coaching sessions
- Weekly reinforcement and motivational emails
- A Learning portal containing on-demand video archives of all sessions, all materials and support forum for the dynamic exchange of information.
- The Learning Portal will be available for use after the initial 15 week program for on-going use
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Friends of the Orchard...
Check out the latest addition to the Elbow Community Park!!
These cute
plaques have been placed throughout the entire park, naming the different
tree varieties! Thank you so much to the Friends of the Orchard for this very "special touch"...
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
PCCU Members - Vote For The Park...
Vote For Your Favourite Community Builder Project
from October 1 – 12, 2012
Prairie Centre Credit Union is awarding $4,000 to a community group, non-profit or local charity! The money will go towards a Community Builder Project that will benefit a significant number of people in the community, or for “seed money” to help raise additional funding to an existing project. If you are a PCCU member, come into the branch and ask the staff for a ballot to place your vote. One Member - One Vote!
All Community Builder Award recipients will be announced at NOON on October 16, 2012.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Help Our Local Rink...
Hello LTBK Friends and Family... it's time to give back!! Our next door neighbours in Loreburn, SK need our help!! The Loreburn Rink (our area's main rink) has been selected as 1 of 5 rinks across Canada
to take part in the MARS® PLAY YOUR PART™ Promotion, which is partnered
with Hockey Canada.
There has NEVER been a better time to eat chocolate!! Yum Yum Yum...
How to participate in the MARS® PLAY YOUR PARTTM Promotion?
"Loreburn is a small community with a population of 100 people, located in Central Saskatchewan. There are 3 towns that use the rink there, along Highway 19.This community loves the winter months at the rink and it has actually proven to be the “hub of entertainment” for those who visit. It’s the place where young and old come together to watch a great game of hockey and to catch up with old friends.This centre has recently undergone some improvements in the form of the addition of two new dressing rooms for its arena. This is only the beginning as the floors in these new rooms still need completion. As well, painting and the addition of stick racks and door closures would complete the renovated dressing room area.
There has NEVER been a better time to eat chocolate!! Yum Yum Yum...
How to participate in the MARS® PLAY YOUR PARTTM Promotion?
- 1. Grab a specially marked participating MARS® Bar!
- 2. Enjoy every second of eating it.
- 3. Find your PIN code printed inside the wrapper.
- 4. Visit marsbar.ca
- 5. Review the 5 selected rinks & their community stories
- 6. Click the “activate my PIN” button on the homepage
- 7. Enter your contact information and activate your PIN code to make your $5 contribution
- 8. Click to enter to see if you are a winner!
"Loreburn is a small community with a population of 100 people, located in Central Saskatchewan. There are 3 towns that use the rink there, along Highway 19.This community loves the winter months at the rink and it has actually proven to be the “hub of entertainment” for those who visit. It’s the place where young and old come together to watch a great game of hockey and to catch up with old friends.This centre has recently undergone some improvements in the form of the addition of two new dressing rooms for its arena. This is only the beginning as the floors in these new rooms still need completion. As well, painting and the addition of stick racks and door closures would complete the renovated dressing room area.
This is a small but special community that comes together every
time they are asked. Not only do they rally around big projects but also
when benches need to be built or when ice care-taking needs arise. The
community has proven over and over again how important this centre is to
Our friends in Loreburn were a huge part of the Elbow Community Park Build Day, and now we need to give back! So grab some Mars Bars, ENJOY and support our local rink!! Go Loreburn Go!!!
Our friends in Loreburn were a huge part of the Elbow Community Park Build Day, and now we need to give back! So grab some Mars Bars, ENJOY and support our local rink!! Go Loreburn Go!!!
For more information please visit marsbar.ca
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Peace Tower Update...
The Peace Tower plans are coming along beautifully thanks to nationally and internationally acclaimed artist, Joe Fafard... and now we have a sneak peek for you!! This is going to be such an amazing addition to our new community park!! We are sooooooo excited...
Monday, September 10, 2012
Become an Agent of Hope...
If you have a vision or know of a project that needs to happen in your local neighborhood, town or community, Let Them Be Kids wants to help! LTBK has just launched a first of its kind Knowledge and Mentor Centre. This on-line learning portal will have all the training, tools, and templates you will need to plan, organize, launch and complete a Community Action Project! Follow this link and let LTBK know what you have in mind so they can get you on the list of potential projects that they will be supporting...
For more information click HERE!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
What Do You Do?
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
~ Anne Frank
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tipi Building Demonstration
Please join us at the Elbow Community Park on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. for a descriptive Tipi raising demonstration...
Alternate weather day (wind or
rain) will be:
August 1st at 3 p.m.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
National Action Campaign...
The Let Them Be Kids National Action Campaign is based on belief that regular people can change their world for the better and that the people closest to the challenges are the best resource to improve those challenges.
So if our belief is true, why is it that so often things don’t change
for the better? Simply put… a lack of hope. It is a lack of the belief
that tomorrow can be better than yesterday and a lack of that hope
turning into tangible action.
We have set out to do something about that "lack of hope"! We believe
that with the proper amount of hope, knowledge, tools and support,
regular people can change their world ,and the world around them for the
We know that hope is created when we hear or see someone else do
something that we thought was implausible, improbable or seemingly
impossible. However, hearing or seeing someone else do something awesome
only creates a “spark”
of hope which is often extinguished in the first few moments or days
of seeing or hearing. The grind of life can and often does snuff out the
embers of hope. Those embers must be kindled in some way. We believe
that kindling can come through information and education.
When we learn how those people did that seemingly improbable thing,
then we have a chance to do it as well. Regrettably, this is still not
enough to take that spark of hope and create tangible action. The final
step to taking that spark
of hope and translating it into meaningful improvement is support.
When we are supported with guidance, advice or just a listening ear, the
spark of hope that was kindled with knowledge turns into a raging fire!
It is that raging fire of equipped and supported hope that changes
things for the better.
The most beautiful thing about this cycle is that it self-perpetuates
and impacts exponentially. As this cycle of hope is completed someone
else hears of the implausible or improbable thing that has been done and
if those hearers are equipped with knowledge and supported in their
endeavor they too will do the seemingly impossible! Our plan is to take
our Hope Strategy and deploy it across Canada to help make the world a
better place.
Click HERE for more information on how YOU can become an "agent of hope"...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
A Place For Everyone...
Big thanks to Joel Van Der Veen for the great write up on our community park, in the June 27th issue of FYi - A Moose Jaw Times Herald Publication... Our story "A Place For Everyone" is featured on page 17, and can been viewed online. We have also attached a picture of the article... YAY!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Thanks so much to everyone who helped "polish the park" on Sunday... Thank you for remembering that improving our park & community didn't just start and end with Build Day... But will continue well into the future! What's that saying?? Oh yes...
"You never get to retire from being a citizen..."
Thank You Helping Hands!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Saskatchewan Urban Voice...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Southwest TV News...
Check out the coverage from our Build Day last month... Special thanks to Southwest TV News for joining us in Elbow on May 12th and for spreading the word about our awesome Saskatchewan event!!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Date Change...
Please note the date change for the park clean-up:
Due to torrential rains, we will be postponing it until Sunday June 24, 2012
Thanks so much for your cooperation and patience!!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Thanks RBC...
A huge shout out to all 120 golfers from The Royal Bank of Canada! They had
their golf tournament in Elbow yesterday, with a great fundraiser on hole #8 - the players paid
$5 and had to hit the green for a chance to win a "Saskatchewan Roughrider
Package"... all the proceeds were donated to the Elbow Community Park Project!
Yahoo! Thanks so much RBC!!! $535.25 was raised in total!! Special thanks to Maureen and Laverne Bialowas who volunteered to represent our park, and worked hole #8 - in the rain, all day!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
What's Next?
Can you believe it has been almost 3 weeks since Build Day? Hopefully you are all hanging on to the awesome and inspiring memories from that day... and better yet - hopefully you are getting outdoors and enjoying our amazing new community park!! We again would like to thank our MANY supporters... as donations continue to roll in... THANK YOU - because guess what - we are not done yet!! We have some EXCITING news regarding our Peace Pole - nationally and internationally acclaimed artist, Joe Fafard is designing it for us!!! How lucky are we?? We are also still working on the performance shelter - these will be amazing additions to our park, our community and Saskatchewan!!
About Joe Fafard...
Joe Fafard was born September 2, 1942 in Saint Marthe,
Saskatchewan. His interest in drawing and sculpting began at home where
he often retreated from his large family to quietly nurture his
artistic talent. Following high school, Joe attended the University of
Manitoba where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1966. He
then moved to the United States where he attended Pennsylvania State
College and received his Master of Fine Arts degree in 1968. Joe
returned to Canada and taught sculpture for six years at the University
of Saskatchewan in Regina. In 1974, Joe Fafard began to sculpt full time
in a studio in Pense, Saskatchewan. It was here that he portrayed many
of the towns folk and put this little town and himself on the
contemporary Canadian art map. Joe currently resides in Regina and
continues to be a prolific and highly successful artist.
Joe has exhibited his work widely in Canada, the
United States and in Europe, and is included in many private, public and
corporate collections. Joe Fafard has received many awards, including
the Order of Canada in 1981 and the Royal Architectural Institute of
Canada Allied Arts Award in 1987.
Please continue to watch for highlights and more information...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Archive of LIVE Broadcast...
Please check out some of the video of the LIVE Broadcast from Build Day - May 12, 2012!
behalf of the Let Them Be Kids organization, and the local Elbow
playground committee, I would like thank you for helping with the
outstanding effort on Saturday, May 12.Your community was absolutely
amazing! I
would suggest that your collective efforts sent out a ripple of hope,
that will affect your community for years to come, I encourage you to
remember the spirit and sense of community you felt that day and
draw upon that as you all work together to build a thriving community
for the kids and families of today and for the generation to come.
- Ian Hill
Sunday, May 13, 2012
There really are no words... Thank you to everyone for making this one
of the BEST projects Elbow has ever, ever been involved in!! Over 320
volunteers... in our little town of just 300!! We still can't believe
it... It was soooo AMAZING!! LTBK could not have picked a better
community to be the first in Saskatchewan!! Thank you to Ian Hill and everyone at LTBK for BELIEVING in Elbow!!
And thank you to all the volunteers and everyone who made it happen - that is an extreme makeover if I have ever seen
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
One More Sleep...
Yahoooooo - Tomorrow is BUILD DAY!!!!!!
Don't Forget...
print the wavier form that was attached to your volunteer email you received yesterday - and bring it filled out, but
unsigned, to the registration table tomorrow, this is the only way
you will be able to work. By having it filled out in advance it will
make the process of registration smooth and easy…
Other News...
forget that there will be a Pancake Breakfast at the Elbow Civic Centre
on tomorrow morning starting at 6:30am. The Lunch and Supper will be
served at the park!!
Registration will be set and ready to go at 8:00am tomorrow (May 12th) at the Elbow Elevator - feel free to come a bit early so that you can get to work right at 8am!! The forecast still looks great - but as we all know, that can change at any moment in Saskatchewan... so don't forget to pack some extra clothes - just in case! Please don’t forget to bring your wheelbarrows, spades, rakes, pails and garden tools! And bring your work gloves too... save your hands! Oooo and guess what - there will be a great children's area in the park (arranged supervision starts at 10am) so that kids can play and have fun throughout Build Day!! Opening Ceremonies are set for around 3:00 or 3:30 if all goes well - you will not want to miss that - or the volunteer group photo!!
Registration will be set and ready to go at 8:00am tomorrow (May 12th) at the Elbow Elevator - feel free to come a bit early so that you can get to work right at 8am!! The forecast still looks great - but as we all know, that can change at any moment in Saskatchewan... so don't forget to pack some extra clothes - just in case! Please don’t forget to bring your wheelbarrows, spades, rakes, pails and garden tools! And bring your work gloves too... save your hands! Oooo and guess what - there will be a great children's area in the park (arranged supervision starts at 10am) so that kids can play and have fun throughout Build Day!! Opening Ceremonies are set for around 3:00 or 3:30 if all goes well - you will not want to miss that - or the volunteer group photo!!
has been quite the journey... we thank you so much for all of your
commitment to this project, and for believing that projects like this,
really can change the world. Thank you for giving back to our community, and for donating your time, talent and treasure to make this dream, become a reality!
The greatest accomplishments in life are not achieved by individuals alone, but by proactive people pulling together for a common good. Our mission in life is to offer our gifts to benefit one another, to create mutual gain in the world.
That quote says it all - and we will prove it tomorrow, when we join together to do something amazing for our kids and our community!!
project will be broadcast live around the world! As a Let Them Be Kids community
our project is being featured online! Tell
your family and friends to watch the action and celebrate with us, just
have them go to www.ltbk.ca to see our exciting work, LIVE!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Equipment Is Here...
Monday, May 7, 2012
Memorial Benches Are Sold Out...
Thank you to everyone who purchased a Memorial Bench for our new community park - the response was incredible and we are now sold out!! But don't worry, we will continue selling Memory Stones even after May 12th - so you still have plenty of time to leave a legacy in the park!!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Ian Hill Visits Elbow...
It was such an honour and a privilege to have Ian Hill - the founder of Let Them Be Kids, visit Elbow last weekend. Ian has inspired so many people in our community, and getting to thank him personally is something many of us will never forget.
![]() | |||
The Wilm Family & Ian Hill |
"You never get to retire from being a citizen..."
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Gala Weekend...
The Countdown Finale Gala Weekend was a HUGE success... the sold out Gala Dinner & Auction on Saturday night featured a fantastic meal, great entertainment and a top of the line auction. The weekend raised over $10,000 for our project... The community support was truly inspiring! Thank you to everyone who helped make the weekend so wonderful - thanks to the auction sponsors, the amazing cooks, the servers, the people who made the Civic Centre look so fantastic, the kids who volunteered from LCS, the entertainers, and to the citizens who came out to enjoy the evening!! Special thanks to Ian Hill - who made the special trip to celebrate the wonderful event with us! It really was a true community event!!
Elbow Community Park Info... |
The Civic Centre looked beautiful... |
Dessert Auction Items... |
Dinner Time... |
Magician - Chester McBain with the kids on Sunday afternoon... |
Pennies For The Park...
Huge thanks to EVERYONE who helped with our Pennies For The Park campaign!! With just a few penny jars placed around the community - we raised $801.04...
Making each and every penny count!!
Thanks RRR Cadets...
The 155 RRR Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps are sending a bus load of hard working volunteers to Elbow on Build Day! Yahooo - Remember something amazing happens when people help others, especially those they have never met. Thanks Cadets!! May we all be so willing to help others throughout our community & our country!! People helping people... Some great life lessons can be learned from this project - it really is MORE than "just" a playground!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Thanks Ryan...
Great News!! A welder has been found. Huge thanks to Ryan McGillivray (RJM Fabrication) of Central Butte!! Ryan will be our ticketed welder for next weeks playground build!! Yahooo!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thank You...
Huge thanks to Pre-Con Limited in Saskatoon for donating our bench ends for the park!! So many people are giving what they can... $$ or in-kind, to make this project possible! Thank You!!
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